Hello Parents!
We will be hosting a parent meeting September 12th at 6:30 PM at VHS, building 2. This meeting is a great opportunity for us to connect and discuss important information about the upcoming season. We will cover schedules, expectations, and answer any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you there!
Sept. 9th: 6:30 Wall Ball @ FPMS, followed by team practice 7 - 8:30PM @ VHS Sept. 11th: Team practice 7-8:30pm @ CPHS Sept. 16th: Team practice 6-7:30pm @ Monroe Sept. 18th: 6:30 Wall Ball @ FPMS, followed by team practice 7 - 8:30PM @ VHSladyviperstreasurer@gmail.com Visit the LVL website's Calendar for all up to date information. |